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English Language Training Online

Countries of the World: Madagascar

Welcome to our Countries of the World section.

In this post we will be going over some brief information on and how to pronounce Madagascar.

Madagascar is an island nation on the African continent with a Westerly coastline along the Mozambique Channel and the Indian Ocean to the East with a population of just over 29 million people in 2022.

You pronounce Madagascar like this: MAD-AH-GASS-KAH

Key information and contact details for Madagascar

Official Language: Malagasay.

Secondary Language(s): French.

Madagascar dialling code: +261.

Madagascar currency: Malagasy ariary.

Madagascar Capital City: Antananarivo.

Madagascar International AirportIvato International Airport, N52, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Phone Number: +261 20 22 440 41.

Emergency Services Phone Number: Police: 117. Ambulance: 124. Fire: 118.

British EmbassyBritish Embassy Antananarivo, Ninth Floor Tour Zital, Ravoninahitriniarivo Street, Ankorondrano, Antananarivo, 101, Madagascar. Phone Number: +261 (0) 2022 33 053.

American EmbassyU.S. Embassy, Lot 207 A Andranoro, Antehiroka, 105 Antananarivo, Madagascar. Phone Number: +261 33 44 320 00.

Latest Travel Advice (British Government)https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/madagascar.

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